Monday, December 13, 2010

One down, Two more to go...

One final down, two more to go. Biology final is in the books. Can I just say how happy I am to have that finished? I felt absolutely great about it, I was able to remember all the studying I have done over this last week and all I have learned in class, it was great. What wasn't so great was not being able to go to sleep at all last night. It just wasn't a night for sleep in our apartment. I went to bed at 9:30, but I wasn't able to sleep until about 12:30 and I woke up about every 2 that wasn't fun. Of all nights, that had to happen! I finally woke up at about 6, even though I wanted to go back to sleep, I had the biology final at 7:30. I had a good breakfast and was able to get there on time and stay focused, despite how tired I was. Being tired didn't effect my ability to stay focused which was great. During the test, I wasn't very after, that's a different story. Walking home, I was really tired. Haha. I think I will take a nap before I study for my math final tomorrow. Hopefully tonight isn't a repeat of last night...that wouldn't be cool! I am just glad that my biology final is out of the way...that class was definitely hard! Two more finals, two more days and I get to go home!

Now, I have a busy 3 days ahead of me...well technically two and a half. I have more studying to do, packing and cleaning the apartment for apartment checks for the end of the semester. I have so much to do, so little time! I actually want it to go by fast so I can go home! :) I am so excited for this break...I love Christmas! I will be going home Wednesday, which is awesome! My parents are coming to pick me up after my last final-history. That won't be too bad.

Good luck to all those taking finals! We are that much closer to the end of the semester and going home and enjoying a much needed long break! :) :) Remember to get in your zone to study, stay focused, eat a good meal before you take the test, and don't psych yourself out! We got this! :) :)

My first semester at Utah State University is almost in the books. It's crazy how fast time flies! So much has happened over this semester!

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